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Protecting Precious Time With Your Children

No matter what happens during your divorce, you have the right under Virginia law to be a part of your children’s lives. The law, in fact, encourages frequent and ongoing contact, to keep the bond between parents and their children strong, and to advance the best interests of the children.

Creating a visitation plan that supports all these goals takes experience and deep knowledge of the law. The attorneys at the Richmond law firm of Coates & Davenport, P.C., have more than 40 years of experience in divorce and family law issues such as child visitation.

We are committed to providing high-quality representation in complex divorces. Every client is important at Coates & Davenport, P.C., and deserves the personalized attention our attorneys and professional staff can provide.

Children Have The Right To Be With Both Parents

In order to create a visitation plan that everyone can live with, it is important to be prepared. The court needs to see well-prepared evidence that presents the facts.

The court will consider the preference of the child or children, and will examine academic progress and development issues. If a conflict appears, the court can order an alternate plan to protect the best interests of the children. If the exchange is compromised, for example, the court may order visitation during alternate weeks.

Grandparents And Stepparents Have Visitation And Custody Rights, Too

If both parents object to grandparent visitation, our attorneys need to present proof on behalf of grandparents that the child or children would be harmed if visitation is not awarded.

Virginia Attorneys Handling Child And Grandparent Visitation

In certain cases, it is in the best interests of the children to have the grandparents assume custody. If a birth mother is very young, for example, she may not have the emotional or financial resources to raise a small child by herself. In order for the grandparents to carry health insurance for the children, they must be granted custody by the court.

Our firm also takes cases from stepparents wishing to obtain custody and visitation rights. Securing these rights entitles the child to full rights of inheritance, and tightens the bond connecting an extended family.

Talk To An Experienced Lawyer About Your Custody And Visitation Rights

Contact the respected Richmond noncustodial visitation rights attorneys at Coates & Davenport, P.C., at 804-729-5537, or write to us using this online form.